Our Quest To Practical Spirituality.

Spiritual World => Creation and Manifestation => Topic started by: Eugene66 on July 24, 2009, 03:41:42 am

Title: Getting out of our Ground Hog life through Creating it better.
Post by: Eugene66 on July 24, 2009, 03:41:42 am
Life on this plane of existence were planned by the Gods for the Gods. We are those Gods. Now what do you think we planned? It’s very simple really. Experience what you have not experienced. Thus have as much experience as you can. But once you had it, it is a known experience. Thus once is enough. If the experience was good or bad, does not really matter. In the diversity of experience you will be grateful for them all in the end. But keep moving.

Keep moving on to new experiences because we are stuck in our own Ground Hog Day here. Remember the story where the guy wakes up on the same day every morning and everything happens exactly like the previous days. Exactly like in the movie the main character has to find a way to get out of his own rut in order to change reality to such a degree that the calendar starts moving again.

This movie is a wonderful analogy about how we keep living the same lives over and over because we fear doing something original or something new. Life is an adventure to be experienced. The mandate of life is not to survive nicely. We are here and we are alive so that part is covered, what about the rest?

You see when you get your mind around that fact that you are the creator and the experiencer of this experience you will also begin to get a direction and insight into how we are supposed to live. We live on a wonderful cycle. It is a cycle of creation and experience.

You want something right? That is where creation begins. In your mind you imagine something you want. Then you create that something. However you do it is up to you. You get the grades or meet the criteria or put the thing together yourself or hire someone to do it or you miraculously “get” it. However you do it you create what you want.

After you created it you get to experience your creation. Can you undo your creation? Yes you can but it might take you a few lifetimes to master that. It is easier to just walk away from your creation if you had enough of it. Walk away how? Walk towards another new creation while you find closure with the old one. You can sell it or install a manager to run it for you or something like that. Whatever suits you

This then is also the next step. In living our creation we get to idealize again. First we just wanted a roof over our heads. We create and experience it. Now that we have the roof we begin to imagine walls. Then we create and experience that. Once we have the walls we begin to imagine different rooms and a better parking space. Or we can say “Ok this was nice but now I want to go and live in the mountains, and walk on to a new experience and a new adventure.

So this is the cycle of an awakened dreamer then. A God that realized what the hell he/she came here for.

First step: Imagine/visualize, then do /create, then

Second step: experience the creation, then

Third step: then dream on again into the next adventure.

That is all that is needed. It is so simple that mindful people want to complicate it. Create experience create experience.

Now the universe is designed to be easy. It is designed to be a playful magical joyful experience for you by you and your kind. When you put out the labour or the energy to create your desired reality it can be an easy experience. I mean it was your original idea so it should fire you up right? In that energy of excitement you then do what it takes to get it done. But follow your drive. Make it fun.

 If it is not fun anymore you are sure to find the right person who wanted exactly what you already created to take it over. When we are honest with ourselves about everything we will know in time what our situation is and we will attract the right people in time. The law of attraction works best with honesty.

If you are too ashamed to boldly say what you want to say then what makes you think you will create or attract it?

 Thank your creation for diversity. Life would have been a boring situation if everyone wanted exactly the same thing. It seems like we all want money but really all we want is what money can offer is on the visible plane. We want the purchase or the power but money in itself is just limp peaces of paper.

So think it through,. If money is any of your blocks then get it out of the way now. Manifest what you want and welcome the means that present itself to make it possible. If it is money then so be it, with gratitude.

In most cases and especially when you live with a lot of love in the now moment you will find that manifestation happen spontaneously. As you think it it happens. No ritual needed and no intentional asking is really needed. But of course it helps when one can sit in meditation and do a specific visual “order” for what one wants, but depending on your mood manifestation can happen directly.

I remember the time when I was repairing computers. I just did an upgrade for a client and he said I could keep his old stuff that was still fairly current at the time. I put it together nicely in my spare time and got it to run for the pure fun of it and of course in case someone needs a Computer. I did need some money at the time. I needed about eleven thousand in currency because I wanted to have an all round panel beating repair on my car done.

The best I could get for the Computer without being a rip-off was about three and a half thousand in our currency so the computer would not come near what I needed. But the car repair was all in the back of my mind as one of those jobs you keep on the backburner for when you get a windfall.

Well that morning I did a powerful meditation asking for all round abundance and the meditation was so good that it put me in that space. I did not ask for the car but I put a vision in and saw myself driving with a nice gleaming newly painted car, but it was like a casual thought. Nothing intensely.

I left the house to go see a client and the world looked so wonderful. Everything was more crisp, colorful and beautiful. As I slowed down for a bump in the road I was thinking of my loose and dented panels on my car that needs repairing and I was wondering what my clients would think of it if they saw me in the parking lot. I had a casual thought. “If only I can get a panel beater for a client.”

Five minutes later the phone rang. “Are you Eugene the computer guy?” Yes? “A friend gave me your number. This is Enid from Midrand Panel beaters. We had a break in last night and our office Computer was stolen. We cannot pay you at the moment but we promise to do an all rounder on your car and fix anything we can fix for you and give you a re-spray if you can only get us a Computer that runs the basic stuff as soon as possible.”

I was amazed. Since I started playing with conscious manifestation I was often surprised at the wonderful synchronicity that the universe runs on. Incidents like these became common in my life.