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~Freedom Known~

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« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2010, 12:52:12 am »

I like this kind of knowing. To see another as yourself and it really is true. With compassion you can see yourself suffering in another when another suffers. By helping another you help yourself even though your intention was to just be comforting to another.

This kind of Psychology is moving deeply into spiritual psychology where one has to work with many to heal the group.
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« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2010, 04:17:06 pm »

You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom.
You can only be free if I am free.

~Clarence Darrow~

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« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2010, 10:47:36 pm »

Hmm Crystal mountain. Reminds me of Membar. The planet where Delen was born.
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« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2010, 03:46:20 am »

Hmm mathematical freedom ... I love the idea of maths even though I 'dont get it' ...
on another note this next song is very jaded and I think that is what I like about it ...

I walk right by him and he's freezing his ass off
He could be dead I'm supposed to walk away
I won't remember a thing come the summertime
Handful of quarters make me feel okay

Ah ah who's gonna have to pay
Ah ah who do I love today

I love what's mine cause what's mine is all mine
Gives me a reason to go get more
Don't really care where I go to get it
I ain't too clear about "what's yours is yours"

You take it for granted
I guess that's what it's for
But before you demand it
Take a look out your back door

If you don't like a single thing that I'm saying
If you're offended when I demonstrate
Don't mean a damn to me and I shall continue
Hope you won't mind if I control my fate

Ah ah who will I have to fight
Ah ah to defend my created right

I'll defend what's mine cause what's mine will be all mine
It's what I'd fight for it's for what I'd bleed
I roll the dice on the grand experiment
While I am strong I will get what I need

You take it for granted
I guess that's what it's for
But before you demand it
Take a look out your back door

If you're concerned with the moral imperative
If you are tripping on the right thing to do
Come to my office with the exclusive screenplay
I think there's money in a book about you

Ah ah what have you got to lose
Ah ah which are you gonna choose

I choose what's mine so what's mine will be all mine
Gonna make a million on the folly of men
Don't even care about no consequences
Turn my damnation into chapter ten

You take it for granted
I guess that's what it's for
But before you demand it
Take a look out your back door

~John Popper (Blues Traveller)~

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« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2010, 06:41:19 am »

Ok but what is the square root of one?

Now I feel so stoopid.  2funny
1X1 is 1 so the answer is 1.

Unless we go into fractions then it must be about .33
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« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2010, 06:27:49 am »

Hmm Seth has a nice way to explain.

I wonder how much we are going to say it before it sinks in on a critical mass scale.

Maharishi reckons if we have the square root of 1% of the population we will change the world forever.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 06:31:29 am by Eugene66 » Report Spam   Report to moderator   Logged



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« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2010, 05:34:32 am »

The most rejuvenating idea of all,
and the greatest step to any true illumination,
is the realization that your exterior life
springs from the invisible world of your reality
through your conscious thoughts and beliefs,
for then you realize the power of your individuality and identity.
You are immediately presented with choices.
You can no longer see yourself as a victim of circumstances.
Yet the conscious mind arose precisely to open up choices,
to free you from a one-road experience,
to let you use your creativity to form diversified, varied comprehensions.
Let us make a clear distinction here:
Your conscious beliefs direct the flow of unconscious processes
which bring your ideas into physical reality,
so while your thoughts cause your experience,
you are not consciously aware of how this takes place.

~Seth-Jane Roberts~

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« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2010, 08:37:05 am »

It becomes more difficult for me to show my mind in words.

I see on the one side..... dark imprisonment, fear, self imposed, ridicule, scared ego's, slow death, hatred, comparison.

On the other side. Light, boldness, creativity, joy, love, freedom, single mindedness, expansion. elation, growth, healing, life.

We walk the line between the two and every moment is a choice for the one or the other. Choose the one that ego fears and the rewards will be liberating an expansion of what we are. Liberty and love. A mystery to be appreciated.
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« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2010, 07:25:13 am »

Loyalty to a petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul.

~Mark Twain~

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« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2010, 07:22:46 am »

aww (((( Eugene )))) It is nice to be here ... what you have created here has a certain sense of freedom about it ... and  Lenny Kravitz is the coolest of the cool isnt he  Coolsmiley

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« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2010, 06:11:22 am »

Beautiful and emotional. Smiley

It speaks to my heart.

Like you Kate. Nice to see you. Smitten

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« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2010, 06:05:10 am »

My pockets were full now my money's gone
My friends come around and now they're gone
Things come and they come and then they go
And where they go nobody knows

It's gonna come around
What goes around comes around
It's gonna come around
What goes around comes around

My cup over runneth with fullness and grace
Yet people push bullshit in my face
The future can't hold what your money can't buy
My brother keep striving your child relies

It's gonna come around
What goes around comes around
It's gonna come around
What goes around comes around

This world keeps on spinning does the future know ?
We're destined to screw ourselves one blow
We've ruined what's pure down from nature below
You'd better look back it'll all be gone

It's gonna come around
What goes around comes around
It's gonna come around
What goes around comes around

So children please listen this world is yours
This message is too deep to ignore
Your forefathers said but they did not do
The things that would show that they cared for you

It's gonna come around
What goes around comes around
It's gonna come around
What goes around comes around

Comes around comes around comes around
Comes around yeah

Gonna take you higher
I'm gonna take you higher
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
I'm gonna take you higher
~Lenny Kravitz~

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« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2009, 07:31:18 pm »


She would never say where she came from
Yesterday don't matter 'cause it's gone
While the sun is bright or in the darkest night
No one knows. She comes then she goes
Oh, goodbye Ruby Tuesday
Who could hang a name on you
And when you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you
Don't ask her why she leaves to be so free
She's gonna tell you it's the only way to be
She just can't be chained to a life
Where nothing's gained
And nothing's lost but such a cost
Goodbye Ruby Tuesday
Who's gonna hang a name on you
And when you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you

Oh there's no time to love
I heard her say
You gotta catch your dreams
Before they slip away
Dying all the time
Lose your dreams and you might lose your mind
Is life unkind

Oh, goodbye Ruby Tuesday
Who's gonna hang a name on you
And when you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you
Who's gonna hang a littlename on you
And when you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you.
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« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2009, 07:18:12 pm »


Freedom pulls my heart strings
As I board another plane
It's not leavin' I am wanting
But freedom knows my name

Friends turn into strangers
Strangers can be cold
I've been blessed with angels
At least I'm not alone

And they come to me in a sunrise
In the words of some old song
In the name of all creation
In a life long out of bounds

Freedom knows my name                 
Freedom knows my name
Freedom knows my name

Tender roots grow deep with longing
To the core of solid ground
Mine go left of center and slightly of the ground

Through the war torn ages
Seams of freedom's fight
Drawn on hidden pages
Haunt our dreams at night

Freedom knows my name
Freedom knows my name
Freedom knows my name

To the child without a promise
To the frightened and the tame
Although it's just a whisper
Freedom knows your name

Melanie Safka
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« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2009, 07:01:28 pm »

Oh Gosh I remember that song.  Shocked

The upside of this story is that this woman he is singing to is now waking up to real life and it always feels good afterwards. This song to me is symbolised by a Tarot card called "The Tower" where the playing fields are leveled meaning the humble will gain and the pompous will lose and in all of this they will discover they were always ONE in the middle ground.

I remember a song by Styx that also tipefies the life of the lonely. It impacts me because I once fell in love with a woman who used t be a mutli millionaire before she met me. She said all it taught her is that money is not the answer. Its definitely a help but money alone leaves you miserable with pretentious friends.

Ok lets see. That song. Its called Lonely People.

This song was on Styx's Album done to commemorate the closing of the Paradise Theatre so keep that in mind when reading the Lyrics.

Lonely People

The rain was hot, the streets were empty
As downtown closed her eyes
The movie house stood in silence as I said my last good-byes
Her silver screen was stained with memories
As Cagney shot them down
And as I watched I was that hero
In dreamlands lost and found

Oh my God, well we both are empty Paradise and me
Do you believe I'm still chasing rainbows
When everywhere I see

Lonely People, Lonely People
Up above these ghetto streets
In penthouse suites they sit and stare
Lonely People, Lonely People
They smile and say they're fine
But behind their eyes they just don't care
Lonely People
They just don't care
Lonely People, Lonely People

Lonely People, Lonely People
Beneath these neon streets in subway seats they crowd for air
Lonely People, Lonely People
So close and yet so far they share the secrets of despair
Lonely People, Lonely People (repeat and fade)

 Can you imagine all these lonely people meeting after "the tower" falls? When they discover they can all be happy together instead of lonely in their sperate identities.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 07:06:46 pm by Eugene66 » Report Spam   Report to moderator   Logged



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