Oh Gosh I remember that song.

The upside of this story is that this woman he is singing to is now waking up to real life and it always feels good afterwards. This song to me is symbolised by a Tarot card called "The Tower" where the playing fields are leveled meaning the humble will gain and the pompous will lose and in all of this they will discover they were always ONE in the middle ground.
I remember a song by Styx that also tipefies the life of the lonely. It impacts me because I once fell in love with a woman who used t be a mutli millionaire before she met me. She said all it taught her is that money is not the answer. Its definitely a help but money alone leaves you miserable with pretentious friends.
Ok lets see. That song. Its called Lonely People.
This song was on Styx's Album done to commemorate the closing of the Paradise Theatre so keep that in mind when reading the Lyrics.
Lonely People
The rain was hot, the streets were empty
As downtown closed her eyes
The movie house stood in silence as I said my last good-byes
Her silver screen was stained with memories
As Cagney shot them down
And as I watched I was that hero
In dreamlands lost and found
Oh my God, well we both are empty Paradise and me
Do you believe I'm still chasing rainbows
When everywhere I see
Lonely People, Lonely People
Up above these ghetto streets
In penthouse suites they sit and stare
Lonely People, Lonely People
They smile and say they're fine
But behind their eyes they just don't care
Lonely People
They just don't care
Lonely People, Lonely People
Lonely People, Lonely People
Beneath these neon streets in subway seats they crowd for air
Lonely People, Lonely People
So close and yet so far they share the secrets of despair
Lonely People, Lonely People (repeat and fade)
Can you imagine all these lonely people meeting after "the tower" falls? When they discover they can all be happy together instead of lonely in their sperate identities.