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Looking for Evil Step Mum stories!

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« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2009, 03:36:25 am »

Thank you so much harryhoudini =D

My favourite was the first story you gave, the one about Clara aka "Sooty" lol. I love how it combined all different fairy tales in one modern day telling!
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« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2009, 02:08:35 am »

The Saving Sea
There was once a beautiful girl fourteen years of age. She was a pretty girl, with a fair complexion and eyes like sparkling emeralds. She always wore a scarf around her hair but even then one could see the wisps of gold biting at her neck. Her hair was the color of honey and her eyelashes flared out like oriental fans enticing anyone who they fell upon.

She was a happy little girl whose father was her hero but her step-mother was a villain and her step-sisters annoying ugly gnats. She would often accompany her father on his fishing boat where he would spend hours fishing to put bread on the table. The girl loved how her father's skin always smelled of sea salt and fresh air. Her father had been all over the world and used to tell her many fascinating stories from distant and remote lands. Then one day he suddenly died. The little girl was very sad and would sit in her bedroom and stare out at the endless sea watching how the lights from the dock reflected on the water. She always kept her window open, as the lull of the waves was her only comfort in life. She would sit and cry enough tears to replenish the ocean, should it ever run dry.

One day, after what seemed like an endless amount of chores were finished, the girl again retreated to her bedroom windowsill. Her step-mother and step-sisters paid her no attention unless there was sweeping to be done, or dishes to be washed, or clothes to be folded. Hours passed and she sat and cried, sat and cried. Then in the middle of the night she seemed to hear a sort of squeaking noise. She leaned her head out of the window and scanned the coastline. And then, spotlighted by the dock lights she saw movement in the water. The girl was never ever allowed to leave her house and thus had no friend in the whole world, but the noise she heard that night beckoned her to approach the shore and she simply could not resist her intuitions.

When she got to the shore, she saw two dolphins with their goofy grins. She started to smile, as their grins were a bit contagious. The dolphins brought back happy memories of the days she had sailed with her father. Then, all of a sudden, they begin to speak to her, telling her they could take her away from this miserable place. The girl, however, was pious and dutiful and said she could not leave her family as mean as they were to her. The dolphins then told her they could take her away on night escapades and bring her back by morning so nobody would be the wiser. The girl reluctantly agreed and slowly climbed into the water, under a canopy of stars, grabbing onto the right fin of one dolphin and the left fin of the other and they swam away trailing the girl behind.

The girl spent that magical night with the creatures of the sea and seemed to become one with the water and felt such intense happiness. Before the night ended, the dolphins took her to Egypt. An old fisherman, who resembled her father in many ways, met the dolphins and the girl at the shore. He had been expecting them. He presented the girl with gifts of ancient papyrus scrolls and glass Egyptian perfume bottles to take home with her. When she reached the docks in front of her house, she ran up the shoreline with a lightness she had never known, crawled through her window and for once slept contently waiting for the next night's journey.

The next day the girl hummed and sang as she did all the chores her step-mother forced upon her. The step-mother, unnerved by the girl's carelessness, went up and searched her step-daughter's room where she found the scrolls and perfume bottles.

The step-mother immediately asked the girl where she got the bottles and scrolls. The girl told her mother that she had the most amazing dream about talking dolphins who had taken her on a journey and that she had acquired the gifts along the way. The mother scoffed at such a story and accused the girl of stealing the items from her own bedroom. The girl got a beating and the mother become the new owner of the girl's recently attained treasures, giving the perfume bottles to one of her own daughters and the scrolls to the other. Though the girl was sad, she did not protest, but took her beating and thought of the journey awaiting her that night.

That night the dolphins took her to visit Japan where again the old fisherman met them. This time he presented the girl with a beautiful white silk kimono decorated with gold thread flowers. But the next morning, again she got a beating and again her gift was stripped from her. This time the step-mother kept the gift for herself and paraded around in the kimono all day long to remind the poor girl of all she had lost.

The next night the dolphins took the girl to England where she received a box of British tea leaves. The next morning the girl got up before sunrise to make herself a cup of the tea, but sure enough the step-mother heard her and stormed into the kitchen. The step-mother had grown suspicious of the gifts and spied on the girl whenever she could. The girl was startled by the step-mother's arrival but instead of trying to hide the tea she offered to make her mean mother a cup. The mother slapped her across the face and flushed the leaves down the toilet and again the girl got beat. But, to the girl the beatings were worth the wonderment of her nights.

On the forth night when the girl went to meet the dolphins at the shore, they had a plan. The dolphins knew of a certain prince from India whose destiny was to marry the girl who wore the blooming chudamani hair ornament from India. The hair ornament holds the shape of a lotus and is made completely of gold and silver. The dolphins told the girl that once she received this precious gift from the old fisherman she was to remove the scarf from her golden hair and place the ornament at the place her hair parts. The girl had doubts, explaining to the dolphins that her step-mother would surely take this gift away from her as she did the others. The dolphins told her to have faith and to do as they said. And so that night she received the hair ornament and the following morning at sunrise she removed her scarf and placed it in her long flowing hair and left her bedroom to begin her daily chores.

When the girl entered the kitchen to begin cooking for her step-mother and step-sisters that were already sitting impatiently at the table, their mouths dropped upon seeing the beautiful jewels in her hair. The step-mother was fuming and this time the poor girl was beat over and over again, and more harshly then the other times. Meanwhile, the step-sisters fought and argued over who would get the hair ornament. The step-mother finally decided the eldest should have it and promised her other daughter the Egyptian perfume bottles the other sister had taken.

The girl was so sore from her multiple beatings that she could hardly move, but the step-mother would let her have no rest and after making the girl put the raggedy scarf back over her hair, sent her to wash the walls.

The ocean was unusually harsh that day. The waves beat relentlessly against the shore and the wind whipped the sand into furious flurries. The elements seemed to be lamenting for the girl and the cruel unfairness of her family situation.

On the other end of world, the old fisherman paid a visit to his friendly master, the prince. You see, the old fisherman not only caught fresh fish for the royal family's nightly supper but he had a far more important mission as well. The prince had thought of the old fisherman as his confidante, taking a special liking to this servant, over all of the others under his rule. The old fisherman knew the secret that whosoever wore the hair ornament was meant to be the prince's wife. Aside from fishing, the fisherman was to keep his eyes open for a fair girl with golden long hair, sparkling emerald eyes, and lengthy full lashes. The prince had countless dreams about this mystery girl and was sure she was the one destined to be his wife. He was sure she would pass the test of the blooming lotus.

Once at the palace, the fisherman told the prince he thought he had found the girl of his dreams.

That day, the prince took off on a voyage that would lead him to his future wife and brought the fisherman along with him. However, when he got to the little house by the sea and knocked on the door, he was astonished by what he saw. The ugly step-sister stood in front of him, with the ornament in her stringy, greasy, brown hair. The dashing young prince looked at the fisherman who just smiled. He then looked back at the stepsister whose hair instantaneously began to fall out in clumps. She started to scream as she saw her own hair piling up around her. The poor fatherless girl who had done nothing but good her whole life came running to see how she could help the step-sister who had been so mean to her. However, in midstep the step-mother pulled the girl by the tails of her headscarf and threw her back against a wall, yelling and screaming that the poor fatherless girl was to blame for this misfortune. But, when she did this the scarf fell from the girl's head and her long golden locks came cascading down over her shoulders. It was then that the prince looked up from the hair accumulating on the floor and over into those shimmering green eyes that hid under a multitude of lashes. The prince himself grabbed the ornament from the step-sister's hair and placed it in the hair of the young beauty slummed against the wall across from him. The ornament then blossomed into a real lotus flower with beautiful red and white petals and the prince knew she was to be his bride.

The prince and the girl were married out at sea, where the dolphins circled the ship performing acrobats for the happy couple. The old fisherman became like a second father to the girl and as punishment for stealing the sacred hairpiece the step-mother and her daughters were gagged, tied, and thrown into the ocean to drown. All along, the fisherman had known the step-mother would steal the ornament and her crimes would finally be recognized and punished - and they were.
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« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2009, 02:04:16 am »

"The fig tree"

Once upon a time there was an orphan who grew up with his stepmother. He lived with her and her son but the two children were not treated equally. The orphan had to work much harder. And as if that were not enough, the children had to wash their hands before having their meal, the orphan with oil, his stepbrother with water. And only he whose hands were dry was allowed to have his meal. So the brother was the only one to have his meal, while the orphan was sent to the bushes to find some leaves for the sauce. There he pleaded with a big fig tree for its fruits and sang:


"Lower your branches, lower your branches, big fig tree.

Lower your branches – for the child who has lost his father,

lower your branches – for the child who has lost his mother.

Once, for having our meal, there were two of us,

one washed his hands with water,

the other with oil,

he, whose hands were dry was allowed to have his meal!"


The fig tree lowered its branches and the child ate its fruits until his hunger was satisfied and he turned back home.


One day a fig fell down into the basket in which the child was collecting the leaves for the sauce. The stepmother tried the exquisite fruit and told the child to show her the fig tree.

Upon coming to the fig tree she saw that the tree was very high and that she was not able to reach the figs. She became angry and told the child to tell her how he had picked the fruits. So the child began to sing:


"Lower your branches, lower your branches big fig tree.

Lower your branches – for the child who has lost his father,

lower your branches – for the child who has lost his mother.

Once, for having our meal, there were two of us,

one washed his hands with water,

the other with oil,

he, whose hands were dry was allowed to have his meal!"


The fig tree lowered its branches, and in order to pick as many figs as possible the evil stepmother climbed up the tree. The child seized the opportunity to punish the bad woman and sang:


"Rise, rise big fig tree,

take away the evil stepmother, up to the sky,

for she is the one who tells us to wash our hands with water and oil".


The fig tree rose higher and higher. The evil stepmother asked for mercy and swore never to be unfair again. The child had mercy. He sang and the tree lowered its branches again. As of that day the child was never treated badly again.
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« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2009, 02:00:27 am »

The Story of Clara and the Prince's Ball

A mixed up fairy tale

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful young girl called Clara. She was a very unhappy little girl because she lived with her evil stepmother and horrible, ugly stepsisters.

Clara's stepmother and stepsisters were extremely cruel to her. They made her clean the house from top to bottom everyday and made Clara cook all their meals for them. Her clothes used to get so dirty from cleaning the soot and cinders from the fireplace that everyone used to call her "Sooty".

One day Clara heard the news that the local prince was holding a great ball and that all the women in the kingdom were invited. Clara was very excited about this and she pleaded with her stepmother to let her attend.

"No way," said her stepmother. "You're far too young to be going out to balls. Anyway, you've got nothing to wear. You can hardly go dressed like that." The evil stepmother pointed at Clara's dirty and dusty work clothes.

"Well blow you!" said Clara. "I'm off to live with Granny! At least she lets me do what I like!"

Clara stormed out the house, pausing only to grab her scarlet cloak and a small basket of food.

"This basket of food should get me on Granny's good side at least," thought Clara.

Clara decided to take the short cut through the forest to get to Granny's cottage. She was walking along the path when she suddenly came upon a strange hairy looking man with very large ears, eyes and teeth.

"Good morning," said the Wolf.

"Hi!" said Clara.

The wolf asked Clara where she was going and Clara explained that she was off to stay with her granny.

"What have you got in your basket?" asked the wolf.

"Oh, just some food for Gran," replied Clara.

The wolf peered into the basket.

"Hmm," he said, "Lamb chops. Roast beef. French bread." He shook his head. "Oh dear."

"What's wrong?" asked Clara.

"Well. your poor old Gran won't be able to eat this. Not with her false teeth," said the wolf. "I tell you what. How about I swop you your basket of food for something more suitable for your gran?"

He held out his hand.

"Beans?!" said Clara.

"They're not just any beans! They're full of protein, you know," said the wolf, "and they're really easy to eat."

"I suppose so," said Clara as she swopped her basket for the handful of beans that the wolf had offered her.

Pausing only to wave goodbye to the wolf, Clara set off along the forest path once more.

As she walked towards her gran's cottage Clara noticed that on the floor were several slices of bread. They made a trail along the forest path. She stopped and picked up the bread. She was surprised to see that the pieces were quite fresh.

"Cool," said Clara. "Now Granny can have beans on toast!"

Clara eventually arrived at Granny's cottage. Her gran's cottage was quite unusual. Not many people lived in the forest and those that did tended to have more than one job. For example, the local woodcutter was also the postman. The butcher was also the local vet. And, more importantly, the local builder's second job was a baker.

Clara knocked on the gingerbread door and eventually the door was opened by her granny.

"Oh, it's you, "said Granny peering out of the door and looking around. "You haven't seen anyone else around have you?"

"No," said Clara, "Only a hairy bloke."

"He was round earlier," answered Granny, "Trying to sell double glazing, I expect, but I wouldn't let him in. I told him I had all the triple frosting glazing I needed, thank you very much, and suggested he cleared off."

"That wasn't very friendly, Granny," said Clara.

"Well you can't be too careful, you know," explained Granny. "Anyway, I told him that the pigs on the other side of the forest had just put up three new houses and that they might need some double glazing."

Clara and her granny went inside the cottage and had a cup of tea.

"What great big cups you have!" declared Clara.

"All the better to drink tea with, my dear," said Granny.

Clara showed her granny the beans that the wolf had given her.

"Beans!" yelled Granny. "What do I want beans for? A nice tasty bit of meat is what I like!" And she flung the beans out of the window and into the garden.

Clara didn't dare ask her granny for some money to get a dress for the ball and decided it would be far better to go to bed early instead.

When Clara awoke the next morning she was surprised to see that there was hardly any light coming through her bedroom window. The light was being blocked by something outside.

She grabbed her scarlet dressing gown and ran outside. Parked in front of her bedroom window (for the cottage was a bungalow) was the post van.

"Morning," said the woodcutter who was, as you'll no doubt remember, also the postman.

"Morning Postie," said Clara. "Anything for us?"

"Only this package," said the woodcutter.

Clara took the package and said goodbye to the woodcutter. She wandered into the back garden.

"I wonder what's happened to those beans?" she asked herself and set about trying to find them.

She searched all around the garden but she couldn't see any sign of the beans. In the end she decided to try in her granny's stable. The door was, after all, wide open and her gran certainly had the strength to propel the beans that far.

In the stable, though, there was no sign of the beans at all. Clara tried moving all the hay about with a pitchfork in case the beans had gone underneath. In one corner of the stable she noticed a curious device. It had a round wheel with some sort of pedal attached and a rather sharp thin pointed piece of metal sticking up at one end.

"Don't touch that!" yelled a voice. From out of the hay jumped a little man. "Flippin' Nora! You could've ended up asleep for hundreds of years!"

Clara looked at the strange little man. He was no bigger than a child and was dressed head to toe in some strange yellow material.

"Who are you?" asked Clara.

"Ermm. I don't tend to tell people my name," said the strange little man.

"Doesn't that make things rather difficult?" asked Clara.

"Well it does actually," the little man admitted, "People tend to end up making their own names for me like 'You Horrible Little Man' or 'Thieving Baby Snatcher'."

"Oh right," said a puzzle Clara.

"Anyway," said You Horrible Little Man, "While I'm here can I help you with anything?"

Clara told the strange man about her desire to go to the ball. "But I haven't got anything to wear."

"I can help you there," You Horrible Little Man said with an evil smile, "I have a particular talent when it comes to spinning." He pointed at the spinning wheel that Clara had noticed earlier.

"Oh yeah?" said Clara.

"Yes," said You Horrible Little Man. "I can take straw and spin it into."

"Gold?" asked Clara.

You Horrible Little Man looked shocked. "No!" he said, "Don't be so stupid. You can't spin straw into gold. No, what I can do is spin straw into more straw."

"More straw?" repeated Clara.

"Well, not more straw," said You Horrible Little Man, "but into straw cloth." He pointed at his own yellow straw suit. "I could make you a dress from straw cloth in no time!"

"Urgh!" said Clara. "That's gross! I can't have a dress made of straw. I'd have mice and rats nibbling at it! That's almost as daft as making a coach out of a pumpkin."

"Suit yourself!" said You Horrible Little Man and he stamped his foot on the floor and disappeared.

Clara decided to have one last look outside in the garden for the beans.

She searched high and low but there was still no sign of the beans. She decided to sit and rest on the small bench that was next to a huge beanstalk that her granny had growing in her garden.

Plop! There was a small splash.

"Oh drat!" said Clara. She'd sat on the bench and put down her granny's parcel next to her. The parcel was spherical and it had rolled off the bench and into the pond that lay in the middle of her granny's garden. The parcel sat, or rather floated, in the centre of the pond just out of her reach.

"Gran is going to kill me," thought Clara.

"I can go and get it for you if you like," a small voice said from somewhere beneath Clara.

Clara looked down and saw, to her astonishment, that a small frog was sitting there on the ground. Now Clara knew that frogs aren't actually able to talk but she though that it would be impolite to mention this to the one looking up at her.

"I'd be really pleased if you would," said Clara. "Get the parcel, I mean."

"Okay," said the frog, "Here's the deal. If I get the parcel then you give me a kiss."

"Urrgh! Yuck!" said Clara.

"Hey, calm down," said the frog. "It's not as bad as all that. I'm not actually a frog, you know."

"You're not?" said Clara sceptically. "I think you'll find the green flippers and croaky voice sort of imply that you are."

"Well. I know that I look like one," said the frog, "But many years ago I was turned into a frog by an evil witch who was angry because I wouldn't go out with her."

"So you're really...?"

"A prince," said the frog. "A handsome prince, of course. Only type there is."

"And you have a castle?" asked Clara.

"Yeah, I used to. I bet it's still there. Noone has been in it for years, though."

Clara grinned. She had an idea.


"Are you sure that this is the right place?" said Ugly Stepsister #1 staring at the building ahead. "It doesn't half look deserted."

"It says 'The Old Palace' on the invite," said Ugly Stepsister #2 peering at the piece of card in her hand.

"Here, give us that!" said the evil stepmother grabbing the invite from the stepsister's hand. "Yep. 'You are invited to a Royal Ball at The Old Palace. Fancy Frocks Required. RSVP.'"

"What's an are-ess-vee-pee?" asked Ugly Stepsister #1.

"It's a posh type of umbrella you walk around with at balls."

"Cool," said Ugly Stepsister #2. "Hey, I hope this bash is as good as that one we went to at Prince Charming's palace the other night."

The women walked up to the palace door and rang the bell. After a few seconds a butler appeared.

"Ah yes," he said when the evil stepmother showed him the invite, "We have been expecting you. This way."

He showed the women into a large hall. The room was amazingly dusty and dirty with cobwebs hanging from the walls and rats scurrying across the floor.

"'Ere what's this?" asked the evil stepmother.

The butler pointed to the three buckets of soapy water and scrubbing brushes that were in one corner of the room, "Their royal majesties Prince Kurmate and Princess Clara have a little task for you."
"Princess who??" cried the evil stepmother as several of the palace guards dragged her towards the buckets.

The butler just smiled, "The princess hopes that you don't get your fancy dresses too dirty. Remember that she expects dinner on the table by six o'clock."

From her balcony above the hall Clara grinned and waved. She knew exactly who would be living happily ever after.
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« on: July 05, 2009, 12:12:10 am »

Ok...completely off topic of Spirituality...I need some help =D

Some of you may have read a thread I started some time ago on Spiritual Forums about the problems I have with my Step Mum. I wish I could say those problems are in the past, but unfortunately she is still vindictive and manipulative, so I have not yet had the opportunity to really heal and get over these hurts.

So...As I have written in a few "home" threads of different people, I use writing as one way to deal with heavy emotions such as anger, hurt, frustration and sadness. Oh and hopelessness lol....I've decided I'm going to compile a book with stories of Step Mums from different people.

I don't want to make it dark and depressive and lay blame on anyone's Step Mum in particular. What I want is a funny/sarcastic type view into crazy things Step Mums do to their Step Kids. My idea is to look up fairy tales that feature Evil Step Mothers, like Hansel and Gretel, Snow White, and Cinderella, and compare the stories I collect of real life Step Mother's to these fairy tale Step Mums.

That's as far as I've gotten in my 'ideas' lol so I'm just wondering if any of you know of any more fairy tales with Evil Step Mums, or if you have personal experience with Step Mothers you wouldn't mind sharing?

Thanks for reading,

Tiff xxxx  Afro
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