YOu are most welcome.
I saw you on SF and I liked what I saw. Do you like native south American philosophies (Oh serpent God)? If you open a tread for yourself in the welcome section we can blab a bit about one another there.
Looking forward to chattig with you there.
Im not afraid to cut cords because they will grow back if they need to. Mosty of them always do. Even the unwanted ones.

I am currently going through a bit of personal hell and I told a few people who care about me about that hell. Sometimes when I sleep It feels like someone is drilling into my enegy body with a one inch wide drill and giving me a dose of depression. It's so bad I feel like commiting suicide right there. Then after lying awake for a while my mind restores my equilibrium again.
I often think its a mistake to tell unaware loved ones when you are in a spot because I often think that when they compassionately get angry in sympathy with you they contribute to your negetive energy. When I think of it like this I see a light replacing the dark gaping hole of depression.