I think its an excellent idea.
Now let me see ...........

How on earth am I going to manage all those millions that I am winning from the loterry?

I play this game often and then I daydream on how I am going to invest all that money so It creates revinue for me. Then I dream on and imagine setting up projects to improve my environment and create work for everyone involved.

I find a good strategy is to manifest past the issue. Once you have that thing what is the next situation that will arise? Then manifest on that.
I want a truck for example but the block or the fear is that the whole family will forever ask me to transport things for them. So instead of affirming the truck I might affirm the family leaving me in peace so I can enjoy my truck.
So I can now manifest good investors and honest people that will handle my millions for me so I dont have to worry about it. LOL

It sounds like a joke and its good. Laughter is good. Even though it sounds like a joke it still works.